Monday, November 4, 2019

4 years later - I'm Back Babyyyyy!

Hi all!

Dan here. And it's been a whirlwind of a few years. I know I've been 100% absent, but I kept the domain (thank God) and well, life is what it is. My kids are older, we have #3 on the way (YAY!), and I've made some adjustments in my life. Here's what I've been up to...

Part of the reason I stopped the blog (and most of my gaming) was because I felt some sort of push to build a career in video production. So I worked my butt off for 4 years and realized I hated what I was doing. I wasn't making videos I loved anymore, I was doing grindy administrative work, and boring videos that payed well. But I decided all that needed to change, thanks to...

Yes! I started going to counseling, and it's brought a lot of clarity in my life. Some people can work the grind solely motivated by money... I am absolutely NOT one of those people. I need to be passionate about what I do, or I'm going to die inside. I also am getting better at communicating my needs to those around me, which lead me to the realization that video games are something I love and that I want in my life. I'm still working out a weird level of shame attached to that, but the collection has started and its only going to grow.

The Future
It's my goal to bust out at least one piece of content per day on The Block Fort. It might be a video, post, pics, event, maybe a re-share and my thoughts on something going on in the world of gaming. You'll just have to come back and find out tomorrow!

As a show of good faith, I have 4 (yes FOUR) videos back-logged to post when days get too crazy to post something. Here's today's piece of content.

I want to thank everyone who's reading this. It means the world to me that you care, and that you're excited for the future of the site.

- Dan

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